Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
Adelaidetambo Adelaide Tambo residence
Aethcomm Mailing list for the Animal Ethics Committee
Allangray [no description available]
AllanWebb Allan Webb Hall students
AllanWebb-HallCom Mailing list for all members of the Allan Webb Hall Committee.
alumni Rhodes Alumni Annoucement List
APCQC Academic Programme & Curriculum Quality Committee
Archery Rhodes University Archery Club mailing List
Artpowa Art POWA is a Mellon funded project, run and managed by Professor Ruth Simbao under the Arts of Africa and Global Souths research programme, Fine Art Department, Rhodes University.
Athletics Rhodes University Athletics Club mailing List
AuditCom Audit Committee
Basketball Rhodes University Titans Basketball Club Mailing List
beit Residents of Beit House
BIC Biotechnology Innovation Centre
botha [no description available]
Budgetfstt Budget and FSTT Committee mailing list
Canoe Rhodes University Canoe Club mailing List
Canterbury Mailing list for all residents of Canterbury House
Canterbury-HouseCom Mailing list for all members of the Canterbury House Committee.
CanterburyAnnex Mailing list for all members of the Canterbury Annex House
CanterburyAnnex-HouseCom Mailing list for all members of the Canterbury Annex House Committee.
CBC This is the mailing list for the Centre for Biological Control (CBC), at Rhodes University.
Chertlmentees Communicate with CHERTL students
Chess Rhodes University Chess Club mailing List
christiansatrhodes A list for Christian staff and students
CIV1 Classical Civilisations 1 class
College Current Students of College House
comfac comfac-l
cory [no description available]
Courtenay-Latimer Students of Courtenay-Latimer Hall
cpgs Support initiatives for Postgraduate Scholars at Rhodes University are shared through this mailing list.
Cs-emeritus Computer Science Emeritus Staff.
Dance Rhodes University Dance Club mailing List
DesmondTutuHall Desmond Tutu Hall
Disability Disability Committee
Disabilitysupport List for correspondence to students with disabilities.
Dorringtonresearch Dorrington Research Group
dsae-eds Dictionary Unit for South African English editors' research list
Economics1 Economics1 mailing list for tutor coordinators to monitor.
Economics2 Economics2 mailing list for tutor coordinators to monitor.
Economics3 Economics3 mailing list for tutor coordinators to monitor.
Ecucavsig A Mailing list for the Eastern Cape UC/AV Special Interest Group.
Edfacsup Faculty of Education supervisors.
Edufacacademic A mailing list of all academic staff in the Faculty of Education.
Edufacpg A mailing list of all PhD and MEd in the Faculty of Education.
Edufacpgce A mailing list of all PGCE students in the Faculty of Education.
Edufacstudent A mailing list of all students in the Faculty of Education.
Edufacsupport A mailing list of all support staff in the Faculty of Education.
Edufacug A mailing list of all full-time BEd students in the Faculty of Education.
edustaff Rhodes Education Dept Staff distribution list
EEASA Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa
EHDC Education Higher Degrees Committee
Elrc-courses This mailing list will be used for bulk communications for participants (both internal and external) enrolling on courses hosted by the ELRC at Rhodes University.
ELRCgeneral Correspondence with ELRC associates.
ELRCscholars Correspondence with ELRC students.
ELRCseminars ELRC Friday Reading Seminar List
Employequity Employment Equity committee
Enable The mailing list is composed of registered Rhodes University students with and who have declared disabilities.
Engen A general notice email list for the English Department.
events Events at Rhodes
facedu [no description available]
fachum [no description available]
facpha [no description available]
finaidstud [no description available]
FinanceMaintenance Updates for Finance staff about changes to financial systems
Financenotices Financial administration in Departments and Divisions
Fincoreapprovers List for all users who have the Approver role on FinCore.
Fincoregrantaccountants General communication to Fincore grant accountants.
Fincoregrantadministrators General communication to Fincore grant administrators.
Fincoreprocurementrequestors FinCore system comms.
Fincoreprojectadministrators General communication to Fincore project administrators.
Fincoreprojectmanagers FinCore Project Managers
Fincoretraining FinCore training
Firstfinaid First-year students receiving Financial Aid
Firstyearsorientation A list to evaluate the first year students experience.
Flyfishing Rhodes University Flyfishing Club mailing List.
Foodservices Food services Mailing List
FRE1P French 1P class
friendsofthelibrary Friends of the Library events/news
Geolstaff Rhodes University Geology Staff distribution list
Graduate-recruitment Career Centre Graduate Recruitement mailing list
Graham [no description available]
Gravity Mailing list for the Rhodes gravity research group.
grpgv Gavin Relly PGV residents
gtnmusic Grahamstown Music Events
Guybutler Guy Butler house students
halladministrators Hall Administrators
Healthsafety Health and Safety Committee
helenjoseph Residents of Helen Joseph House
Helpdesk2 The Helpdesk mailing list used for testing purposes.
Hethcomm Mailing list for the Human Ethics Committee
Hilltophall [no description available]
hobsonhall Hobson Hall students
Hockey Rhodes University Hockey Club mailing List.
hod List of all Heads of Department
HRmaintenance [no description available]
ICAfrica The Infrastructure Consortium for Africa
ict-announce I&TS Operational Announcements
InfraPlanSC Infrastructure Planning Sub-Committee
InstForum Institutional Forum Senate Council
InstitPlan Institutional Planning Committee
international International Students at Rhodes
ipcdf IPC Development and Fundraising
IPCSizeandShape IPC Size and Shape Sub-Committee
Ipcsubcommittee IPC: Infrastructure Planning, Size & Shape Sub-Committee.
itstaff Rhodes University ITS Division Staff mailing list
IWR-hons2018 IWR Environmental Water Management Honours Program students.
Jansmutshall Jan Smuts Hall
Jms-ccu JMS Creative Cloud Users
Jmstechnews JMS Technical notices and information
JoeSlovo [no description available]
Joeslovohc [no description available]
Johnkotze [no description available]
jostaff Journalism Department staff distribution list
Karate Rhodes University Karate Club mailing List.
KimberleyHall Kimberley Hall Mailing List
labassist IT Division lab assistants
Labourstudies Labour Studies Seminar Series
Langcomm Language Committee
LectureVenueComm Lecture Venues Sub-committee
Lilianngoyi Lilian Ngoyi
Lilianngoyice Lilian Ngoyi Community Engagement Rep's
Lilianngoyifellows Fellows of Lilian Ngoyi Hall
Lilianngoyihc Lilian Ngoyi Hall Committee
Lilianngoyiss Lilian Ngoyi Senior Students
Lilianngoyisw Lilian Ngoyi subwardens
macommittee JMS MA Committee
Manunions Management / Unions Liaison Committee
Math-compute-cluster Maths cluster computing communication.
Math-grad Math department grad student mailing list.
Math-Staff Math department staff mailing list
Maths-1 Math 1st year mailing list
Maths-2 Math 2nd year mailing list
Maths-3 Math 3rd year mailing list
Maths-honours Math honours mailing list
matthews [no description available]
MiddleManagers Middle Management Forum
MISruadmins [no description available]
MMA Rhodes University MMA Club mailing List.
Mountain Rhodes University Mountain Club mailing List.
Mpc List to be used to contact the major projects committee members
Naming Naming Committee
Netball Rhodes University Netball Club mailing List.
Nteu-dhc NTEU Disciplinary Hearings Committee
Nteu-rs NTEU Recruitment and Selection Committee
Nteuacad A list for Academics on the NTEU membership list
Nteumarketing NTEU marketing purposes only.
NTEUmem National Tertiary Education Union Members' Information
Oakdene [no description available]
Oliveschreiner [no description available]
oppidan Oppidan Students
oriel Residents of Oriel House
Parliamentpartners This mailing lists exist for the purposes of sharing information from the legislature with the participants and broad partners of the project titled: Putting People in People's Parliament
Pcstaff [no description available]
Pensioners Email addresses of retired members of RU Pension Fund
Pgce PGCE Programme
Pharmstaff List to assist with communication within the faculty.
Phelps phelps
Phy2 [no description available]
Phy3 [no description available]
Phypg [no description available]
Physics-astaff This is a mailing list for the Academic Staff in the Physics and Electronics department.
Physics-bstaff This is a mailing list for the Support Staff in the Physics and Electronics department.
Physics-cstaff This is a mailing list for the Research Associates of the Physics and Electronics department.
Physics-tclub This is a mailing list for the members of the tea-club in the Physics and Electronics department.
Physics-xstaff This is a mailing list for the Retired Staff members of the Physics and Electronics department.
Pool Rhodes University Pool Club mailing List.
Postdocs Postdoctoral Fellows
Postgradcommittee JMS Postgrad Committee
postgradsfourth An Announcement list for Postgraduate Funding opportunities for prospective Postgraduate study at Rhodes University
postgradshons An Announcement list for Postgraduate Funding opportunities for Postgraduate study at Rhodes University
Postgradsmst An Announcement list for Postgraduate Funding opportunities for Masters study at Rhodes University
Postgradsphd An Announcement list for Post Graduate Funding opportunities for PHD study at Rhodes University
postgradsthird An Announcement list for Post Graduate Funding opportunities for Honours study at Rhodes University
Princealfred [no description available]
PSAM.CourseAlumni PSAM Course Alumni
Psychgentu Mailing list for second year general psychology tutors.
Psychorgtu Mailing list for second year organisational psychology tutors.
Purchaseorderoperators Purchase order operators (Creditors Office)
Ratt-postdocs This is a mailing list for the post-doctoral students of the Centre for Radio Astronomy Techniques and Technology (RATT) situated in the Physics and Electronics department.
Ratt-staff This is a mailing list for the staff of the Centre for Radio Astronomy Techniques and Technology (RATT) situated in the Physics and Electronics department.
Ratt-students This is a mailing list for the students of the Centre for Radio Astronomy Techniques and Technology (RATT) situated in the Physics and Electronics department.
Recsec NTEU Recruitment and Selection
RegistrarMaintenance Updates for Registrar's Division staff about changes to DMU systems
remcomm RemComm is a functioning committee of Council and sits regularly
research Research Staff (Whole University)
Rhodes.sailing Rhodes Sailing and Kitesurfing.
Rhodesstaffsports Communication pertaining to the following staff sports codes: Soccer, Netball, Basketball, Tennis and Pool.
Rifles [no description available]
RUCC-Guild Rhodes University Chamber Choir past members guild.
RUCE Information about Community Engagement and CE related activities across the University.
RUDevSoc Rhodes Developers' Society (DevSoc)
Rugby Rhodes University Rugby Club mailing List.
Rumentors RU Mentorship Programme
ruthfirst [no description available]
Safetyreps RU Health and Safety matters
Sahs2019 This is for the South African History Society Conference happening soon here at Rhodes hosted by the History Department with our help as the Conference Office
Sailing Rhodes University Sailing Club Mailing List.
Salisbury Mailing list for all residents of Salisbury House
Salisbury-HouseCom Mailing list for all members of the Salisbury House Committee.
Sciacademic One extract of all academic staff in the science faculty.
Scisupport One extract of all support/admin staff in the science faculty.
sealscat SEALS forum for library cataloguers
Sealscolldev SEALS list for best practices to manage library collections in an effective way.
Sealscpd SEALS CPD team list sharing training guidelines.
Sealscs The SEALS Client Services CoP mailing list.
Sealserm SEALS Electronic Resources Management group responsible for the electronic resources at SEALS.
Sealsir To support libraries in the management of research output and scholarly communication tasks.
Sealsmqa SEALS list for best practice to enhance the quality of metadata on all library platforms.
SealsNews News and Announcements from the South East Academic Libraries Service
Sealsoperations SEALS Operations Committee
Sealssys SEALS list for librarians that supports and investigates issues within all library systems.
Sealstlux SEALS list for best practice to better support teaching and learning at educational institutions.
Senateexamscomm A mailing list for the Senate Examinations C ommittee , chaired by the Registrar and administered by the Secretariat.
silent 1 in 9 rape awareness campaign
Sleepchampzzz Sleep CHAMPzzz - Sleep, Circadian Health in Adolescents: a Mental-health Participation Study
Soccer Rhodes University Soccer Club Mailing List.
Squash Rhodes University Squash Club Mailing List.
SRCnewsletter [no description available]
staffchanges HR Notifications of Staff Changes
Staffingcomm Staffing Committee
StarlingHouse Starling House
StMary Mailing list for St Mary Hall staff and students
studentnews Information about student happenings at Rhodes
studnetrep Student Networking administrative discussions.
Surfing Rhodes University Surfing Club Mailing List.
TaeKwonDo Rhodes University TaeKwonDo Club Mailing List.
tandl-research Teaching and Learning research seminars
Tennis Rhodes University Tennis Club Mailing List.
tesf Used for communications with participants/partners for online workshops, meetings (zoom) and webinars that are hosted by the ELRC.
toplist Rhodes University Official Notices
Truro Mailing list for all residents of Truro House
Truro-HouseCom Mailing list for all members of the Truro House Committee.
UltimateFrisbee Rhodes University Ultimate Club mailing List.
Ulwazi Community engagement project of the Rhodes University Computer Science and Information Systems department.
Underwater Rhodes University Underwater Club Mailing List.
Victoriamxenge Victoria Mxenge residence
victoriamxengehc Victoria Mxenge residence House Comm
Volleyball Rhodes University Volleyball Club Mailing List.
Vracc Mailing list for the Senate committee Visual Representation, Arts and Culture.
wasa Women's Academic Solidarity Association
WaterPolo Rhodes University WaterPolo Club Mailing List.
Webcontent This list is used to communicate information to website content managers and moderators.
Wellness The Wellness Committee deals with all aspects of student and staff wellness
Winchester Mailing list for all residents of Winchester House
Winchester-HouseCom Mailing list for all members of the Winchester House Committee.

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